About Jomakins Company

Our goal is to connect individuals fully to their destiny so that they can fully utilize the divine resources God has uniquely given them to enable them excel in their divine assignmnent leading to wealth, fulfillment, good health and longevity.

We disengage individuals from idleness of the mind and the heart by helping them discover their Destiny and unique Businesses, the secret of writing many books and publishing them, Solve every life problem through coaching, counseling and interventions, and success mentoring.

We believe that when every individual has real contact with his destiny, he would have lasting solution to every problem that exist in his life. A man's destiny is his life preserver, his hope and future. Therefore, you must pilot your life by your destiny.

Yes, Destiny emphasizes work not jobs. It sees Job as a misnomer given by the world order. Destiny is about genuine mission not the world's kind of mission which is ego driven. When you READ the INTRODUCTION AND CHAPTER ONE OF MY BOOK titled: 'HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR DIVINE DESTINY AND TOTAL BREAKTHROUGHS', you will know that God specially prepared me to help you discover and exploit your destiny to remove every ambiguity concerning your life.


One of my client whom I helped discover his destiny of recent and awarded him COMPREHENSIVE PERSONALIZED DESTINY/BUSINESS PROFILE and DIVINE ASSIGNMENT PROFILE, with an AUDIO Cd containing full details of how to execute his life purpose, made this comment: “Sir, you are more than Astrologers. Few years back, I sought help from some Astrologers abroad through correspondence to help me discover who God created me to be, and the work I should do to succeed in life. What they told me is a bit of what you have brought out from my inner self, but yours is deeper, complete and straightforward”.  

Another Client of mine, few months ago attended a one-month Bible School programme organized by one of the most populated Pentecostal Church. He told me that in one of the lectures, a lady stood up in the midst of students numbering over a thousand, and asked the lecturer this life baffling question, “Sir, how can I discover my life purpose?” He said the lecturer responded quickly, “pray to God to reveal it to you”. My client whom I’ve just assisted to discover his life purpose and orchestrated him into his divine assignment said ‘body pepper am where in sidon’. At the end of the class session my client looked for her and narrated to her how I have helped him discovered his destiny, expose him to more than four sources of making money through his destiny, and taught him the secret of writing, self – publishing and becoming authors of over 40 books.
Maybe you are one out of millions who graduated from spiritual colleges out there. Those colleges and institutes are wonderful, they teach you so many things to help you in life and ministry but they did not handle the most important issue that determines your now, your future, your income, your significance, fulfillment, and the determinant of where you will be at the end of time – Your Destiny! Western education and training also fail to address it.

May I ask you this location questions: Where are you right now in your journey of life? What is your destination? How will you reach your destination? Are you sure you are operating in your destiny or outside your destiny? Have you cast your unbiased life vision? Have you set the right goals? What are your destiny forms, and how will you strategize to fulfil your life mission?
The answer to all these questions and more is in my INDIVIDUAL DESTINY/BUSINESS DISCOVERY PACKAGE.

This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to discover your destiny, cast your life vision, have multiple streams of income, become a prolific writer and author more than 40 books, and self - publish them, get a business plan, and begin a life of significance, fulfillment and real success.
Your books will become PRINTED PREACHERS across the globe. You may not be allowed to preach or hold seminars everywhere in the world but your books need neither visa nor ticket to get to those places. Through them and many other ways I will show you, you will become popular and make real money following your niche.
On this site I share MY OWN LESSONS from destiny and SUCCESS JOURNEY. I have made some many mistakes, I want to try and save you time, money and heartache along the way so that you breakforth into your destiny without delay. Click MY EXPERIENCE WITH DESTINY later, to read about how God specially prepared me to help you actualize your destiny.
About Jomakins C.E.O
Moses A. Ojute is a  Destiny Discovery, Business & Wellness Coach, Counselor, Writer, Publisher, Author & International Speaker. He has a divine mandate to help individuals all over the world discover their divine destiny, having got in-depth revelation concerning the mystery of destiny and the wisdom to explain the riddles of job and work in the life of man. Moses teaches compassion as his unique subject having being called into prophetic healing ministry, with special giftedness in administration. He believes that in the foot step of the Prophets, there are seven results of compassion, namely: healing, teaching, deliverance, feeding, prayer intercession, forgiveness, and helping the wounded neighbour, so all his writings and teaching have them as foundation. With an educational background in mining engineering at master's degree level, God conscripted him to his divine assignment asking him to mine men rather than minerals. After initial reluctance, Moses then entered into ministry by attending World of faith Bible Institute, and later had pastoral coaching and purpose driven church modeling with a seasoned man of God and years of internship before he received his life vision and begins a life of significance.

His first book, "How to discover your divine destiny and total breakthroughs" specially written as resource material for holding Discovering your destiny seminars and workshop across the world has being adjudge to rank among the best in the field of destiny discovery and mentoring.
All his books are special. On healing, Moses published two books. One of them, "21 keys to miracle in helpless situation: how to pray when you can't pray" tends to proffer alternatives to prayer, by revealing hidden things that what can do to get desired miracles and live a happy life.
Moses also delves into how truly any man can make heaven. His complete work on all that will qualify a man to make heaven consists of four books in a series called "fulfilled life series".
The first book in the series is How to make heaven: eliminating caricature, making the part straight (Book 1 in the series). The second book in the fulfilled life series is: How to break the yoke of life (Book 2 in the series). The third book in the series is: Church without God: Exploit the truth and purge yourself in the faith (Book 3 in the series). And lastly, the fourth book in the series is living beyond yourself (Book 4 in the series).Moses has written over 20 books to his credit, now helping others to excel in life.
Moses has a lot to contribute to this generation and oncoming ones. This is because his writings as are prophetic and cuts across biblical justice, leadership, divine assignment and interventions.